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How Donating To A Good Cause Can Help Your Business

How Donating To A Good Cause Can Help Your Business published on

To which kind of charity should your business donate?

It is easier to create opportunity if the cause is related to your business, for example, a tutoring services company sending teachers to an under-privileged neighborhood and in turn receiving referrals. If you can’t think of any ideas, then ask your employees or customers. They may be close to certain charities and will return their gratitude when you donate. Using local charities will also help with your business’s visibility in the community.

Get involved; don’t just write a check

Hands-on, face-to-face involvement will create more goodwill than just a donation. Also, volunteering is more affordable than a large cash donation. However, don’t force employees to volunteer. Your employees should not feel stigmatized if they don’t want to help. Similarly, customers may disagree with some charities depending on the cause. If this happens, then business owners should simply say they feel strongly about the cause and leave it alone. Keep in mind that customers often want to “shop their values.”


For more information about how your business can donate, speak to one of our attorneys by calling 800-743-9900 or visit our website today!