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Don’t Take Chances: Protect Yourself from Personal Liability
We strongly recommend that you include special provisions in your Articles of Incorporation or Articles of Organization and additional Corporate agreements which trigger this important protection requiring the entity to indemnify and hold harmless it’s Directors and Officers or Managers and Members from any actions they take on behalf of the entity. If a Director, Office, Member or Manager is ever sued for actions taken on behalf of the entity, these provisions require that the entity be held responsible.


A service agreement is the Foundation for a Successful Service Business – You are LOSING $$$ without it!

You are LOSING MONEY if you do not have a Service Agreement. Without a service agreement you are watching dollars walk away every day. Obtaining a first time customer is very expensive. Yet so many entrepreneurs let that customer walk away after the initial sale. This is a sure fire way to make your business fail. Successful entrepreneurs know that the key to starting a thriving enterprise is repeat business. It is far too costly and time consuming to build your business on first time customers alone. You MUST turn these first time customers into repeat customers. A service agreement is a solid investment in the future of your business and is a fast, easy, and cost effective way to make your business succeed. A service agreement works as a tool not only to secure repeat customers but also to market your business. The Service Agreement is a customized written agreement entered into with its customers and is the bedrock foundation of many service businesses. Many franchises sold for tens of thousands of dollars are business formats revolving around a successful Service Agreement. The key with a Service Agreement is to make it work as a marketing tool offering the business services in the widest variety of formats to your customers. For example, a one-time use customer needs to be converted to a monthly, quarterly or annual type repeat customer. At Spiegel & Utrera we want to help you get, and keep, your customers while looking professional and at the same time maximizing each sale with a friendly service agreement. A Service Agreement starts at $367.95 up to $897.95 depending upon its complexity if ordered at the time of forming your entity. We will prepare a draft of your Service Agreement and deliver the draft by fax or email to you for your review. Once you have had an opportunity to review the Service Agreement we will meet over the telephone to discuss the various aspects of the draft Service Agreement. Thereafter, Spiegel & Utrera will make changes to the Service Agreement to finalize it. Once the Service agreement has been finalized and delivered to you, you should take it to your printer to be printed and padded so it will always look professional and non-negotiable.

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* Please give our attorneys up to 4 business hours to contact you. Thank you.

Intellectual property is a specialized field where an experienced attorney from Spiegel & Utrera, P.A. can assist you in avoiding Federal Trademark and Federal Servicemark registration pitfalls. Filing a Federal Trademark or Federal Servicemark yourself or using a document preparation service may look cheaper, but in the long run you may very well end up with needless delays and added costs. Although Spiegel & Utrera, P.A.’s filing of your Federal Trademark or Federal Servicemark application does not include representation if the application is rejected or requires amendment, if legal issues do arise, Spiegel & Utrera, P.A. stands ready to represent you in completing the registration process. Give us a call today to discuss protecting your enity name or logo from copycats.

Click here to view our agreements index.

Saving time and money on a legal document is prudent only if you get the job done right the first time. However, if your inexpensive, do it yourself “legal document” never gets completed or worse gets completed but does not hold up in court and costs you thousands of dollars in lost business, you’ve made a poor choice. Call us at (800) 603-3900 to get a free quote to prepare an agreement or submit your details online.

Get Valuable Insights on How to Build and Get More Out of Your Business
Lawrence J. Spiegel is the author of Detours and Contradictions: The Challenge of Being an Entrepreneur. A nuts and bolts resource for the boot strapping entrepreneur who wants to start or grow a business. Lawrence J. Spiegel is also the author of Charlie’s Entrepreneurial Journey: A Guide to Success Through Entrepreneurship. His latest book provides 416 pages of insight into the world of an aspiring entrepreneur named Charlie. Charlie’s journey leads him through topics never discussed in business books but essential to success. Pick up your copy here.

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Spiegel & Utrera, P.A.’s YouTube Channel
View some of our videos on “Company Records Book and Seal 101“, “Creating a Membership Driven Business“, “Developing Your Business Model“, “Use of a Lead Generation Strategy&” and more.

AmeriLawyer YouTube Playlist (20 Videos)
Listen to our complete playlist on how to start, expand, buy, sell your business!Visit AmeriLawyer’s YouTube Channel to get valuable information on starting a business, business model development, building business credit, marketing and lead generation plan.

Learn more by reading some of our Entrepreneurial Posts or Business Posts on Spiegel & Utrera, P.A.’s blog.

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