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3 Unconventional Ways To Fund New Businesses

3 Unconventional Ways To Fund New Businesses published on

There are many ways to fund a new business. Below are some methods that may not always come to mind right away.

1. Product Presales – With this method you would sell your products with the intention of raising the money that you need to fund your business. This method could also be used as a dry run for when your company is open to give you an idea of the type of customers who will be purchasing your product as well as what it takes to get the product to your client if your business is online (shipping, etc.).

2. Angel Investors – Angel investors usually will expect a 20 to 25 percent return on their money. However, the angel may have experience in the type of business, contacts, and possibly customers that could help grow your business. The angel investor provides an atmosphere that may be a great deal less intense than a regular investor. Angel investors also typically deal in smaller dollar amounts.

3. Renting your Residence – There are many websites that allow you to rent your home or apartment for days at a time or months. Potential issues that can arise would be making sure you have a place to stay during the rental time and a place to work if you usually use a home office.

Call us or visit our website today to learn more about funding your new business venture!
